I have something very exciting to share with you today.
After six months of hard work I can finally present to you my new photography eBook, Yummy Pics: A Food Blogger’s Guide to Better Photos.
I am so excited to finally be able to tell you all about it. So hear it goes. I wrote Yummy Pics because I wanted to share what I’ve learned with others. My goal is to help you improve your photography and to hopefully inspire you in developing your own vision. This eBook will help guide you in understanding photography basics and to improve your photography as a result.
The tips, techniques, and technical information in Yummy Pic’s pages are what I use everyday. It is not aimed at telling you this is exactly how you should shoot, or that it is the only way of doing things. I guide you through different options with a focus on developing your own style. So that you can tell your recipe’s story with your photographs.
The information in Yummy Pics is basic, simple techinques to take your food pictures to the next level. It will help you understand camera functions, achieve proper color balance, pick up some new tips on composition and styling, help prevent photo theft, and improve the overall look of your photography. Whether your goal is to be accepted on food sharing websites or just improve your pictures, this eBook is for you.
There are twelve chapters with information on camera types, what different modes mean, image information, white balance, exposure, aperture, depth of field, shutter speed, exposure value, metering, light, lighting techniques, light direction, basics of composition, subject placement, shooting angles, adding interesting elements to your photos, styling, styling tools and tricks, tips on styling different foods, putting all the elements together, a walkthrough of my shooting, photo editing software information, basic photo editing, and preparing your images for the web, just to mention a few things covered.
The eBook isn’t only designed for DSLR users. I have many tips for compact camera and prosumer users. (But be aware that compact cameras don’t give much control over the technical settings.) Among the 115 pages you will find many tips to help make your camera work for you. I also included many tips on creative use of different camera settings. The sections on White Balance, Image Sizing, Compositions, Styling, Photo Editing and Lighting apply to all types of cameras. There are many, many samples and illustrations explaining the information.
– Yummy Pics: A Food Blogger’s Guide to Better Photos is an eBook available for worldwide download.
– It is being sold through Lulu.com for only $8.99 in PDF format. The PDF format will work and many e-reader devices, tablets and all computers.
– Payments can be made with credit card or PayPal
– For a 15 page preview please click here http://tinyurl.com/yummypics01
I would like to ask for your help in getting the word out about Yummy Pics. All I’m asking is that you Tweet, Pin, Google+ or mention this post on Facebook. It would mean so much to me to have your help. Also I’d love it if you gave my eBook a rating on Lulu. Thanks so much.
If you are willing to help further with reviewing your copy or placing a small banner on your website, please let me know so I can provide you with the banner and/or promotional content. I will also link back to your review and Tweet, Pin, Google+ and mention it on Facebook.
I can’t wait to hear what you all think of Yummy Pics, A Food Blogger’s Guide to Better Photos. Stay tuned because I’ll also be announcing the shoot along event, which will be a great way of practicing your new knowledge. Plus I’ll also be hosting some giveaways soon. Enjoy!!
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