What was supposed to be a relaxing week off started off with me being sick in bed. Unfortunately I spent my birthday and next couple of days lounging around not doing much of anything. But because I have the most wonderful husband, and even though I was ill, he still managed to give me a beautiful day. My sweet man ran around preparing meals, picking up special treats and spending an hour looking for movies at the video rental shop that I wanted to watch. He is so doting and I would be utterly lost without him.
Luckily by Wednesday I was feeling much better and finally able to venture out to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It was a very special day filled with love, happiness, friendship, gifts, and of course lots of yummy food too.
Lovey-dovey words aside, I did enjoy my time away from the computer. I wouldn’t mind another week off but I fear that it would be much to tempting to make it a long hiatus. So slowly I’ll be getting back to the swing of things and keeping up with all blog related work.
Now onto these eggshell photos, I shot them the same Sunday that I photographed my Sunday Breakfast and Egg Cooking Tips post. After we had finished with our breakfast I noticed how lovely the sun light was shinning onto the shooting area and table. Wanting to capture the beautiful light I grabbed a few of the broken eggshells and started snapping away. Three of the photos were shot with sidelight and the other three with back-lighting. The process was quite simple, as you can see, and in the end I ended up with two different looks.
Enjoy the photos and have a lovely Sunday! Tomorrow I have a Meatless Monday post to share with you, see you then.
Thank you so much to all of you whom left me such warm and sweet birthday wishes. Hugs amigos! xx
Lovely clicks! My favorite is the first shot.
Happy Sunday.
That’s my favorite one too. Thank you Rosa and a Happy Sunday to you!:)
The simplest things capture the light most beautifully:)
I bet you are like that:)
Glad you are feeling better.
Thank you so much Monique:) xx
I’ve been traveling for a month and am just now catching up on stored blog posts–what a treat to click on this one first! Beautiful as always.
Welcome back from your travels Victoria, and thanks for stopping by.!
Hope you had a lovely birthday in every way, Nancy. And just for the record…I believe in birthday months, where there are many, many occasions to celebrate!
You are such a sweetheart, muchas gracias amiga!xx
This looks like perfect comfort food to me. And I love the red in the shots–beautiful!
Thank you!
Nancy, I am trying to go through my back log of your blogs from while I was gone, but it seems that all my responses end up in one place, which is a bit strange. Just know that I will read and cherish each one–I love your blog!
I appreciate it so much Victoria. I can always tell that you do read what I write. I’m so glad we found each other because I adore your blog and always look forward to your food info and recipes. xx
Bummer that you got sick! But I’m glad you enjoyed your week away from the computer. I really need to do that, too. Aren’t eggs so much fun to photograph? One of my favorite subjects. Great photos – thanks.
You really should take the time away from the computer John, it’s feels fantastic being disconnected. Agreed, eggs are a great subject. Thank you!
First of all : Happy belated Birthday!
I somehow missed it, uups.
Beautiful pictures, my favorite is the first one, the light is just gorgeous.
Thank you so much Daniela!:)
Oh, my favorite is the first photo. Gorgeous light! So sorry you had to spend part of your time in bed, but your husband sounds like such a thoughtful man. Glad you were able to celebrate your anniversary together! :)
Thank you Laura! Yes he is very thoughtful and makes a good nurse, hehe.
You’re a painter with that camera!
Blushing;) Thank you Maureen!
It’s good to take a break. Even better to be pampered while going so.
Thank you Sandra!
G’day! Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, TRUE!
Glad to read you are feeling better too!
I would not have thought of eggs to photograph, but like how the different angles, provide a totally different view!
One of the things I love about food photography too!
Cheers! Joanne
What’s On The List
Thank you so much Joanne!
Sorry you got sick on your b-day and on vacation! I wasted my previous vacation last time being sick and I was so mad… =P I loooove the light for all these snapshots! I’m always having hard time with light. I need to study more, spending more time to practice with my camera. So fun and educational looking at your photos!
Thank you Nami, but I could say the same about your lovely photos.:)
Nancy, glad that you are feeling better and you had a wonderful anniversary. Your husband is a gem, you lucky girl! Love the eggshell snapshots.
Yes, I am, thank you:)
I am so sorry you were sick on “our” birthday. :( I actually had a bad cold the week leading up to the big day and that made me bummed out a bit. Well hopefully the “bad luck” passed and we have just a bright birthday year ahead of us. :)
Glad you got to spend a lovey-dovey day for your anniversary with the hubs. He sounds totally awesome btw…. what a keeper. :)
So we shared that too on our birthday? Lol. Definitely it was once in a life time thing. Yeah, I guess I’ll keep him around. Lol, I’m very lucky to have him.
Oh I’m so sorry that you started your time off in bed. What a bummer – and on your birthday no less! I’m glad you recovered, thanks to the husband and that y’all had a wonderful anniversary. Oh Nancy – I could put a couple of these shots on my wall! Gorgeous!
Aw thank you MJ! I should make prints and send them out.:)
These shots are incredibly beautiful and wistful. I hope you are a lot better now. What a lovely husband.
Thank you so much Suzanne, I am:)
GORGEOUS ! absolutely loved the shots, so hard to make up my mind and pick a favorite ! I think the first one
Thank you Simi!