If you’re going to drink green tea it should be matcha. At least that’s what I believe. This delicious, velvety, Japanese tea is my favourite tea. I drink it warm, cold, iced, frappéd, in a smoothie or milkshake; And I also love using it for cooking and baking. It’s perfect on so many levels.
Every time I reach for my matcha I know I’m not only in for a delectable treat, but that I’ll also be putting something healthy in my body. Let me share some amazing health benefits that matcha contains.
• A quarter teaspoon of matcha powder is nutritionally equivalent to drinking 10 cups (some sources say 15 cups) of regular green tea.
• Matcha is different than other teas because the (tea) leaves are ground up to make the fine powder. We ingest the powdered tea, rather than just steeping and discarding the leaves. In doing so our bodies absorb all of the health benefits found in the leaf, this means that matcha is healthier than regular green tea.
• Matcha gives you hours and hours of energy — and the best part is that you won’t get the caffeine crash (and sometimes headache) that coffee or other energising drinks so often leave you with. The caffeine in matcha is slowly released into your body so this keeps you energised and focused longer and steadier.
• As evident in it’s rich green colour, matcha is rich in chlorophyll. It is believed that chlorophyll helps detoxify the body of toxins. Regular tea does not contain the same amount of chlorophyll because it is grown differently.
• A natural metabolism booster: Studies have shown that matcha helps burn fat and raise our metabolism. And even though it raises your metabolism it won’t raise blood pressure.
• Rich in L-Theanine, which is believed to be a natural relaxant and stress reliever without causing drowsiness. For centuries Zen monks have been drinking matcha when meditating. They believe that it helps them relax and enter their mediative state, all while remaining alert and focused. L-Theanine is also believed to aid in memory and a bodies ability to learn. Matcha contains up to five times more L-Theanine than other teas.
• A rich antioxidant that helps keep your body healthy and glowing.
• It’s a good source of vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc, and magnesium
• Matcha is loaded with the catechin EGCg, a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant.
• It is a natural mood enhancer
•Matcha is a zero on the Glycemic Index, which means it will not raise insulin levels.
See, matcha really is perfect! And now that you know all the health benefits you can make yourself this frappe drink — well, if it’s too cold where you live you can leave out the ice cubes.
- Please notice that I used half almond milk and half water, but you can use only almond milk (or any other milk) or just water -- it's your choice. Also, I highly recommend using an organic matcha, if possible.
- Place all of the ingredients in the blender and blend until the ice is completely broken down and you have a thick slushy. If you'd like you can add more liquid (milk or water) to thin it out, or you could also add more ice to thicken it up. Taste and if desired add sweetener or more matcha. Enjoy!
Here are five more matcha recipe from my archives: Banana Pear Smoothie With a Twist, Strawberry Green Tea Smoothie, Matcha Blueberry Corn Muffins, Matcha Latte Sweetened with Dates, and Merunky Matcha Polvorones. Enjoy!
And now a recommendation for my amigos in Mexico.
Si vives en México y te gustaría comprar té verde matcha te recomiendo comprarlo con TÉ VERDE MATCHA/ ORGANIC BY THE CUP. El té de ellos es organico y 100% natural, sin endulzantes, colorantes ni conservador. Visitalos en su pagina aquí o en Facebook aquí.
*Disclosure: Please notice that I was not approached nor paid by Organic by the Cup for this article and recipe. I wrote this because I loved their product and wanted to share it with you.
Interesting information and delicious drink!
Thank you Rosa!
Now that is one beautiful beverage! I didn’t realize that 1/4 tsp of matcha = 10 cups of green tea. I really need to drink more matcha! Thank you for this informative and beautiful post!
The equivalent is nutritionally speaking. I’ve been trying to find the caffeine comparison, would be interesting to know. Thank you MJ!:)
Love the color of this! Great recipe — thanks.
Thank you, John!
this is just so beautiful! that green color is so rich.
Thank you, Anna!
I have seen Matcha powder in a lot of recipes… but I have never worked or tried it myself. 15 cups of green tea…hmmm… I may have to give it try now. :)
I hope you do give it a try sometime, I think you would love it and create some amazing recipes. Plus there’s always the health benefits and energy boost. :)
Matcha is not only refreshing by its taste but also by its look. Think of nature.